Voloaga Law Firm

Bucharest boutique law firm acting as outside counsel specialized in Dispute resolution, Corporate, Restructuring & Insolvency.

Since 2014.


Voloaga Law Firm is a boutique law firm specialized in commercial practice founded in 2014 by attorney-at-law Radu Voloagă.

Starting as a litigation first boutique law firm, we have evolved and are currently acting as an outside legal advisor for our selected clients, while maintaining the core dispute resolution practice.

Since inception we have been providing cost-effective services and custom-made solutions to the legal issues faced by small and medium-sized businesses in Romania. We strive to offer swift and complete legal services, with an obsesive focus on the results and the quality of our work. Our emphasis is not on the quantity of our work or billing long hours, but on proving a rapid and competent response and on developing the most effective strategy for each case we work on.

We work only for a small number of clients, small to medium sized companies, all in the private sector. We have fostered strong relations with our clients, and strongly believe in the lawyer's role as an trusted partner and outside counsel. We do not work for the Romanian State and/or State owned companies. This is just not that kind of law practice.


Dispute resolution

Dispute resolution is the core of our more than 20 years practice, exceeding half of our activity.

This extensive track record in litigation stands to prove we posses the skills required to act for our clients in high exposure and difficult cases and ensures we have the experience to provide effective legal advice in our client’s day-to-day business. In our litigation work, we rely not only on our strong command of the Romanian legal system, but also on our familiarity with the inconsistent practice of the national courts. This in-depth knowledge allows us to offer pragmatic and effective advice, which translates into employing a winning strategy in court or drafting and negotiating contracts that keep our clients out of the courtroom.

Relevant practice
  • Representation of a Romanian company, leader in the pumps delivery segment, in a complex commercial litigation with a value of more the 3 mil. Euro regarding the delivery of a complete technological line for one of the largest chemical factories in Romania.
  • Representing the major shareholder of a company listed on BVB in an action in annulment of the sale of the majority stake at one of Romania's biggest companies in textile industry.
  • Representation of a group of companies, owners of various lands in Bucharest, in litigation springing from the General Town Planning against the Bucharest City Hall with estimated damages amounting approx. 2 mil Euro.

Outside counsel

After successfully representing them in litigation, our clients turned to us for legal advice regarding their daily activity. Such was born our outside advisor role by means of which we provide integrated legal solutions for the on-going activity of our clients in diverse industries, such as retail, construction, capital markets, certification services.

We provide swift and sound legal advice on a daily basis with regard to drafting, reviewing and negotiation of agreements, assistance in relationship to procurement procedures, employment issues as well as in relation to all legal and commercial aspects of their day-to-day activities and operations.

Relevant practice
  • Verification and negotiation of various day-to-day agreements such as distribution, sale, construction,etc. for our clients from construction industry
  • Drafting, verifying and negotiation of various rent agreements and sale purchase agreements for a group of companies owning multiple plots and houses in the South Area of Bucharest
  • Representation of the clients in the debt recovery procedures born out of day-to-day activity and establishing procedures and rules to eliminate the possibility of incurring substantial losses.


As a complement to our litigation and shareholders' disputes experience, we have extensive practice in corporate law, having assisted our clients in all legal aspects of their business, from incorporation to changing the structure or any other amendments of the Incorporation Act of their company. To this end, we provide complete services from legal advice regarding the procedures to drafting all the documents required by the law (convenient notices, shareholders decisions and minutes, board decisions, notifications, etc.), representation in the Shareholders Meetings and registration with the Trade Registry.

Relevant practice
  • Drafting the documents and representation in front of the Trade Registry for the local subsidiary of a multinational company in regard to all aspects of the corporate life during a 10 year period, such as change of headquarters, change of administrators, change of shareholders, amendments of the Incorporation Act.
  • Drafting the documents and representation in front of the Trade Registry for a Romanian jewelry seller (more thant 30 stores) in regard to all aspects of the corporate life for the past 5 years, such as change of shareholders, change of the type of company, opening/closing stores, change of administrators, amendments of the Incorporation Act
  • Drafting all the required documents and legal assistance during the shareholders meeting for a Romanian company, acting in the special visual effects production, during the 2 years period of shareholders disputes.

Restructuring & Insolvency

With the impact of the global financial crisis, and enhanced by the indulgence of the Romanian Insolvency Act, the last years brought a boom in insolvency proceedings. From our position of commercial lawyers, we have witnessed companies giving in to financial difficulties, as well as other numerous companies using insolvency as a means to circumvent their financial obligations to business partners or the state. After 20 years of experience in this field, we are well prepared to protect your interests in the insolvency proceedings, whether you are a debtor or a creditor.

Relevant practice
  • Representing one of the principal Romanian importers of fine fabrics in the insolvency procedure of one of the best known Romanian producer of cloths and suits for men.
  • Representing one of the biggest cloths sellers in Romanian (more than 100 stores) in the insolvency procedure of one of it's local partners for claim of more than 1.5 mil Euro
  • Representing the debtor in the insolvency procedure generated by a premature enforcement of 1.5 mil Euro claim springing from an enforceable but non-definitive Court decision.

Large debt recovery

We have an extensive and proven expertise in large debt recovery. With a track record of surprising our clients who present us with "unrecoverable" debt, we are renowned for our ingenious and inventive approaches to debt collection. In this field the end the result is all that matters and our results are our best recommendation. To this end we collaborate only with tested and trusted bailiffs which complement the recovery activity.

Relevant practice
  • Representing a German company in litigation and enforcement procedures against CNAIR in a claim amounting approx. 2 mil. Euro.
  • Representing a company, market leader in flavors distribution in commercial cases, enforcement procedure and insolvency procedure against a Timisoara Ice Cream maker for a claim amounting approx 1 mil Euro
  • Representation of the shareholder of a BVB listed company in action for payments of dividends amounting Euro 500.000 which were awarded but not paid.

Radu Voloagă
Member of the Bucharest Bar since 2004.
Costin Manole
Member of the Bucharest Bar since 2012.


No one succeds alone. Our 20 years collaborations ensure we can provide our clients complete juridical services in all areas of practice.

Specialized in dispute resolution, arbitration and criminal law.
Specialized in Employment & Data Protection, Financial Services, Taxation, Competition, Intellectual Property.

News & Media

Articol publicat in Financial Intelligence referitor la efectele dechiderii procedurii insolventei Nordis.

Consecințele intrării Nordis în insolvență pentru promitenții-cumpărători; Termene esențiale și pașii de urmat

(Sursa: https://financialintelligence.ro)

Interviu realizat pentru wall-street.ro referitor la protectia investitorilor pe piata de capital si la nevoia de judecatori specializati in domeniu.

Investitorii pe bursa sunt protejati de lege dar avem nevoie de judecatori specializati.

(Sursa: Wall-street.ro)

Interviu referitor la mediul de afaceri in proiectul Business 100 la Centenarul Marii Uniri.

(Sursa: www.business100.ro)


We, along our colleagues from Danescu & Associates, work in an elegant mansion, near Dacia Boulevard. You can easily find us on Maps (Google/Apple/Waze) by searching "Voloaga".